I am a dual-qualified lawyer, licensed to practice as an advocate in India and as an attorney in New York, United States (admission pending) with a demonstrated interest in environment related international trade law and policy issues. My interests include the role of trade in achieving SDGs, interests and challenges of developing countries in trade and environment issues and the interaction of MEAs and international trade law and policy.
I have previously worked with the Government of India and the World Trade Organization. I have also completed the International Business and Economic Law LL.M. with the WTO and International Trade Studies Certificate at Georgetown University Law Center with distinction and honours.
Drafted interventions for the Council for Trade in Services and the Committee on Specific Commitments meetings.
Analysed trade related issues involved in the development of India’s e-commerce policy.
Followed the developments of the Joint Initiative on Services Domestic Regulation and the Joint Initiative on E-commerce and analysed the impact of the initiatives on the interests of developing countries.
Identified India’s trade related environment and labor interests for FTA negotiations.
Drafted interventions for the Council for Trade in Services and the Committee on Specific Commitments meetings.
Analyzed trade related issues involved in the development of India’s e-commerce policy.
Followed the developments of the Joint Initiative on Services Domestic Regulation and the Joint Initiative on E-commerce and analysed the impact of the initiatives on the interests of developing countries.
Identified India’s trade related environment and labor interests for FTA negotiations.
Researched and identified measures acting as barriers for Indian services exporters and analysed the WTO consistency of the measures.
Researched and analyzed U.S. trade policy related issues including U.S. policies for technology intensive industries, trade related environment disputes at the WTO, trade related environmental policies introduced by various WTO Members and plurilateral negotiations at the WTO for the Affirming American Leadership project.
Drafted, edited, and reviewed project proposals, policy briefs, research reports.
Co-authored articles on emerging international trade related issues.
Co-author, “Going Solo: What Is the Significance of a U.S.-Kenya Free Trade Agreement?”, Center for Strategic and International Studies (2020).
Co-author, “Transparency at the WTO: Why Does Transparency Matter, and Are Members Meeting Their Obligations?”, Center for Strategic and International Studies (2020).
Co-author, “Trade Symptoms of the Pandemic”, Center for Strategic and International Studies (2020).
Co-author, “Creating a Future Process on the Conclusion of International Trade Agreements within the United Kingdom,” TradeLab (2019).
Drafted policy briefs and internal reports for the development of the horticulture and livestock sector of Pakistan pursuant to the Pakistan Growth for Rural Advancement and Sustainable Progress (GRASP).
Assisted to organize and conduct meetings, field surveys and prepared presentations for the Pakistan-GRASP project.
Analyzed academic and non-academic literature relevant to the challenges and opportunities for the growth of the horticulture and livestock sector of LDCs.