Michael Lerner

  • Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy
  • London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London, UK
  • 11/07/2022
Researcher, Senior researcher, Project lead Environment and Energy Public Policy and Regulation

Personal Summary

Dr Michael Lerner is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Policy in the LSE Department of Government. Dr Lerner studies comparative environmental politics with a broad interest in the challenges and strategies related to adopting timely policy responses to environmental change. His research focuses primarily on policy advocacy, including corporate lobbying on climate change, transnational advocacy networks, and the innovation and diffusion of environmental policy. Dr Lerner has published his work in the American Journal of Political Science, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and other peer-reviewed journals. 

Work Experience

Dr Michael Lerner has particular expertise in the political economy of opposition and support for climate policy. He has designed and implemented in-depth qualitative interviews with policymakers and conducted online and household surveys in Global South countries, such as India. Dr Lerner has provided research consulting services for clients including, among others, the United States Agency for International Development (through Integra LLC) and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. As part of this work, he has carried out political economy analyses relating to energy policy and biodiversity protection.


Ph.D. Political Science and Public Policy
Sep 2016 - Aug 2021 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Department of Government
