I have several academic qualifications in the field of the international political economy of trade and development, namely, a PhD from the London School of Economics (LSE) with a dissertation in international political trade, and two Masters in Development Management (LSE), and International Affairs (Washington University in St. Louis) with concentrations in the political economy of development and development policy and international affairs. I have worked for international organizations (United Nations, World Bank) and think tanks on social and economic policy issues. In addition, I have a medical doctor (MD) degree and a second PhD in biomedical sciences.
I have researched, produced, and delivered consulting reports on socio-economic policy issues for international organizations . As part of my work for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UN-ESCAP), the largest policy think tank in the region, and the World BankI wrote status evaluations, good practices, and policy reports for developing governments in the region on the liberalization of trade of goods and services and other macroeconomic and development issues. I consulted and wrote reports for both international organizations on trade and industrial policy and the impact of investment liberalization in Southeast Asia. I led and collaborate on UN-ESCAP projects that analyzed policy options to strengthen and finance development projects. I have consulted for United Nations and the World Health Organization on domestic policies and recommendations for regional cooperation on R&D, manufacturing, and trade for vaccines in Asia Pacific. I also consulted for the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), on Public Expenditure Management in developing countries. I have designed, managed, and evaluated development policy projects in very different contexts and for diverse types of clients. As part of my work for international organizations, I provided policy advisory services and/or capacity building to policy makers and government officials in developing countries. During my tenure at the UN, I participated in the organization of high-level inter-governmental and government-business conferences .
I have also conducted academic research to identify the political and economic variables that drive trade liberalization and the integration of countries into the international economy, as well as to investigate how this integration (or lack thereof) affects economic policy, the operations of firms in regional production networks, as well as the relations between and among states and firms. My analyses use both qualitative and quantitative methodologies and my industry focus on the automotive, biotechnology and pharmaceutical, and processed food industries. My research has been published in World Economy (37:1612-1633), Review of International Political Economy (RIPE) (23:379-417), and RIPE (doi: 10.1080/09692290.2021.1892796). My earlier academic articles analyzed the political dynamics in participatory governance initiatives in Latin America (Urban Studies, 48:1945-67), policy options for financing infrastructure in China and India (Journal of Asian Public Policy 1:71-89). I also researched and started expert-level discussions on how the impacts of climate change on human health can contribute to international collective action (Development, 53:403-8; Bulletin WHO, 85:825-7).
My verbal communication skills are proven by the numerous presentations and invited lectures I delivered for different types of audiences: academics, government policymakers, and development practitioners. I possess more than 15 years of teaching experience in universities in the US, Europe, and Asia. In the areas of public policy and political economy, I have lectured on trade and development as part of visiting scholar posts in Europe and East Asia, and I have taught. I staffed, trained, and supervised my own research group (7-10 people) while networking with other teams. I have a highly successful record of securing research funding from government agencies and private foundations across Europe and the US.
Research assistant
Senior researcher